Spy sold out in Boston and shown at SABR Convention

Above: SABR (Society of American Baseball Research) members watched The Spy Behind Home Plate last Thursday evening in San Diego.
This past weekend, The Spy Behind Home Plate opened up in more cities across the country. Director Aviva Kempner attended a special screening of the film at the Society of American Baseball Research (SABR) National Convention in San Diego for its annual convention. With many baseball experts looking to get a glimpse into the life of Moe Berg, the theater was full.
After the show, Director Aviva Kempner sat down with (from left to right) author Robert Fitts, MLB historian John Thorn, and SABR member Bruce Adams

Fitts’s Banzai Babe Ruth
Robert Fitts (pictured above) wrote a book detailing USA baseball’s legendary tour of Japan in 1934. The book features stories about Moe Berg, making it relevant to Spy, but it tells many other stories that make it a very worthy read. Get it here.


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